Meet the food culture at Folkemødet 2023

Meet the food culture at Folkemødet 2023

TOGETHER ON FOOD SCENEN at Folkemødet 2023 will put food, meals and health on the political agenda through debates and actions focused on food and health. The communal dining scene can be Folkemødet’s public and professional discussion forum for debates on food and health.

As a stage companion, Madkulturen helps to organize, facilitate and moderate many debates – below you can find an outline of Madkulturen’s activities in the context of TOGETHER OM FOOD.

Thursday 15 June 17.00-17.45: ‘Show me your fridge’

Join lifestyle expert Anne Glad as she opens the door to Denmark’s famous refrigerators.

How does a high-ranking politician provide sudden friends? What do chefs actually eat? Can we see a struggle in the fridge and what does the content say about the key challenges we face as a society?

There are many attitudes toward food, and our food traditions are debated as a matter of health, climate policy, tradition, and food safety. But when it comes to food, it’s what’s in the fridge that matters.

That’s why we invited lifestyle expert Anne Glad to open the doors to many of Denmark’s famous refrigerators and tell us about the contents inside. What does it say about our relationship with food, about society’s challenges with food, and about the choices we make on the path to a healthier food tradition?


  • Anne Glad, Customer Specialist
  • Annette Juhler Kjær, Head of Communications, CSR and Public Relations, 7-Eleven
  • Moderator: Judith Kyst, director, Madkulturen

Friday 16 June 17.00-17.45: “The Whole Child Plays and Learns Best”

Universities have the potential to build a tradition of good eating for the benefit of learning, health and well-being. So how do we do that?

A healthy and satisfying meal has huge implications for children’s ability to learn and helps them develop a thoughtful and responsible attitude towards food, which promotes health for both body and mind.

In childcare settings, children are used to a lot of instruction about meals and meals are seen as both a social and learning activity. When children start school, the framework for getting healthy and good meals changes significantly.

However, schools have great potential to keep children healthy through meals. But how best to do this?

Trong cuộc tranh luận này, chúng tôi cố gắng tạo ra các bữa ăn cho suy nghĩ và, không kém phần quan trọng, là chuyển động. Các bữa ăn và truyền thống bữa ăn có ý nghĩa gì đối với sức khỏe, việc học và hạnh phúc của trẻ em? Làm thế nào chúng ta có thể chắc chắn rằng tất cả trẻ em, bất kể xuất thân xã hội nào, đều có thể được giáo dục? Để mở đầu cho cuộc tranh luận, chúng tôi đã yêu cầu chính những đứa trẻ và những người tham gia thảo luận có thể được yêu cầu kể lại những trải nghiệm cụ thể của trẻ em với các bữa ăn ở trường.

Những người đóng góp:

  • Judith Kyst, giám đốc, Madkulturen
  • Arne Astrup, Phó chủ tịch cấp cao, Cơ sở Novo Nordisk
  • Karina Vincentz, thị trưởng, đô thị Odsherred
  • Marie Holt Hermansen, cá nhân đầu vào, sinh viên đại học Đan Mạch
  • Người điều phối: Anne Glad, chuyên gia khách hàng

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